

This skill maybe purchased multiple times.

Fighter Scout Rogue Adept Scholar Spellsword Artisan
3 3 4 5 6 4 3

Daily. This skill allows the character to create arms and armor as described in the Crafting Skills section.

The purchase of a single level of Smithing allows the character to refit physical armor in 1 minute. Each purchase grants the character 1 Ability Point usable on Crafting Abilities from either the General or Smithing section.

Smithing Adventuring Equipment

Name Cost (PP)
1 - 40 Armor Points 1 per 5 Armor Points (round up)
41+ Armor Points 8 + 2 per 5 Armor Points over 40 (round up)
Small Weapon 1
Staff 1
thrown Weapon 1
Armor Patch, 10 Point 2
Heavy Thrown Weapon 2
Light Crossbow 2
Shield 2
Short Bow 2
Heavy Crossbow 3
Longbow 3
Short Blunt Weapon 3
Long Blunt Weapon 4
Short Edge Weapon 4
Armor Patch, 20 points 5
Long Edged Weapon 5
Two Handed Melee Weapon 8
Whetstone 8