
Aspect: General
Base Difficulty: 9
Catalyst Required: Required
May Be Extended: true
Base Duration: 20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time: 10
Target Type: Spirit
Scroll Type: enchantment
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

The Regeneration Ritual allows a Target Spirit to form a new body after the old one has dissipated. The newly formed body is the same Player Race as the Target was when the death was taken. The new body is formed either at the location of the newly deceased body or at the circle where the Ritual was cast, if it still exists. The location of Regeneration is at the choice of the Spirit at the time of death. The Spirit can also choose to resurrect normally. The Regeneration process takes a three count, i.e. "I Regenerate one. I Regenerate two. I Regenerate three.". If the three count is interrupted for any reason the Regenerating Spirit may choose to begin again, or to resurrect at the place of Ritual casting or at the nearest Permanent Earth Circle of Power, following the normal Resurrection rules.

When this Ritual is cast, the Target Spirit may take a total of 12 deaths minus the number of their current deaths. This number is set at the casting of this Ritual and 1 death is subtracted each time the Spirit must Regenerate. When the Spirit Regenerates or resurrects, it may do so without the need to pull from the Bag of Chance. If the Ritual Effect is then removed, the death count does not change and these deaths are considered taken during the Regenerate. After the total deaths for the Regenerate are taken the Spirit is too weak to resurrect and dies permanently. The Target Spirit is still weakened by a death during the Regeneration Ritual Effect as if a resurrection took place. Unlike a resurrection though, the Regenerate has no chance of failing unless the Spirit is already weakened beyond the ability to resurrect.

This Ritual may not be transferred by any means and is unaffected by the Transfer Enchantment Ritual. Other Rituals upon the possessor of this Ritual may be transferred as normal, including any Rituals that extend the duration of this Ritual.

When a character undergoes the Regeneration Ritual Effect, the player must inform the Logistics team at their earliest convenience . A death is added to their character card just like resurrection, although the person does not need to pull from the bag to determine if they Regenerate as it happens automatically. If this is the Spirit's 12th death, they will not be able to resurrect or Regenerate and will die their final death. Any deaths suffered while under the effects of this Ritual must be marked as a Regenerate Death and cannot be bought back through any means, even after the Ritual Effect has expired or is destroyed.

This Ritual may not be released as an LCO Ritual or effect.

This Ritual requires 4 Reagents and a Catalyst to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.