Mighty Imbuement

Aspect: General
Base Difficulty: 7
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: true
Base Duration: 20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Item [Weapon]
Scroll Type: enchantment
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

This Ritual gives the wielder of the targeted weapon the option to add a preselected effect to any uses of Slay or Assassinate using this weapon.

This Ritual does not affect non-Slay or non-Assassinate weapon attacks or any other attack made with this weapon.

Valid Element Choices: Chaos, Healing, Flame, Ice, Lightning, Magic, Stone

If cast using Earth Aspected High Magic, the caster may, at the time the Ritual is cast, select between Healing or Chaos.. If cast using Celestial Aspected High Magic, the caster may, at the time the Ritual is cast, select between Stone, Lightning, Ice, Flame, or Magic.

By increasing the difficulty and component cost, the caster can add additional effect options for the targeted weapon’s wielder to select from. This choice may be made for each Slay or Assassinate used.

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.