Mercurial Weapon

Aspect: General
Base Difficulty: 7
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: true
Base Duration: 20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Item [Weapon]
Scroll Type: enchantment
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

This Ritual allows the Target Weapon to transform into at least one other type of weapon.

During the Ritual casting both the physical representations and the Weapon Tags must be present for all forms the weapon will be able to take. One Weapon Tag and physrep combination must be selected as the Primary Target for this Ritual. Any other Weapon Tag and physrep combinations are considered Secondary Targets. Only the Primary Target may have other Rituals on it before, during or after the Ritual casting, but all Weapon Tag and physrep combinations must be valid targets for any Rituals placed upon the Primary Target. At Base Difficulty, the weapon will have a maximum of 2 forms, and require two different physreps, each of which will be labeled with the same magic item number. For each increase in difficulty and Reagent cost an additional physrep and Weapon Tag may be added.

At any point after completing a 10 minute Focus, the bearer of this weapon may select from any of the Weapon Tag and physreps combinations that were targeted during the initial casting of the Ritual and determine which form the Mercurial Weapon will take for the duration of the Logistics Period. Any physreps other than the one selected for the current Logistics Period must be placed in an Out of Game area for the duration of the Logistics Period.

The bearer of a Mercurial Weapon may, at any time, return to the area where the additional physreps are stored and, with 10 minutes of Focus, swap out to a different version of the Mercurial Weapon.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.