Forsee the Weather

Aspect: General
Base Difficulty: 6
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: false
Base Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Spirit
Scroll Type: manipulation
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: true

The Foresee the Weather Ritual allows the Ritual Caster to gain a brief divination of local weather patterns, allowing them to make a highly educated guess as to the exact weather for the next few days. The Ritual Effect is not normally accurate for more than 2-3 days out, however at the discretion of the Local Plot Committee, the Caster may receive insight for as much as 5-7 days ahead of time. The Caster is able to predict approximate times such as "about midday" or "after the sun sets" for such predictions, but more precise definitions of time are rarely possible.

Unique weather conditions controlled by the Local Plot Committee, such as magical storms or warping energy waves, may also be detected by the Caster at the discretion of the Plot Committee. The amount of information a Caster gains about these non-standard weather disturbances will be likewise determined by the Plot Committee.

The Local Plot Committee should be notified in advance of the Ritual casting, so a proper experience may be supplied. The Ritual Marshal has the final say on what prediction the Caster receives.

This Ritual requires 1 Reagent to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.